Saturday, December 29, 2007

silver catalyst

PS! Fun bits! How does a chemist spend her Christmas Eve when at work?

The conversation started with "Gee, I think I [a lead educator] am the highest in command today since all the administration are out. What's the most dangerous thing we can do today and not get in trouble?"

Cue a brief brainstorm of possibilities, leading to a discussion of jet packs. (Boba Fett?!) The end product:

The bottle contains about 150mL of 30% H2O2. That's me in the beginning releasing the clamp from a pipette, causing powdered silver to fall into the bottle, where it catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen gas and lots of water (as steam due to the highly exothermic catalysis) that propel the car across the floor.

We tried it again today in front of 60 people, and guess what? It failed! The silver was stuck in the pipette. Arghhh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.